The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "The Stalk of the Lotus: Concord's Most Famous Friendship" / Robert D. Richardson, Jr. ; "''Captain of a Huckleberry Party': Thoreau and a New England Ritual of Summer" / Wesley T. Mott ; "Convers Francis and the Concordians: Emerson, Alcott and Others" / Guy R. Woodall ; "Forever Wild: A Portrait of Walden Warrior Mary Sherwood / Joel Lang ; "Sarah Alden Ripley, Another Concord Botanist" / Joan Goodwin ; "Ellery Channing: The Turning Point" / Harmon Smith. The Thoreau Society, 1993. Paperback, 94 pp.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society, Articles: Young Men and Women of Fairest Promise: Transcendentalism in Concord / Robert A. Gross; Thoreau's Sauntering: The "Adventure of the Day" / Victor Carl Friesen; "The Road to Ruins and Restoration:" Roland W. Robbins, Henry David Thoreau, and the Discovery at Walden / Donald W. Linebaugh; Thoreau's Domestic Economy: Double Accounts in Walden / Etsuko Taketani; An Interview with Jane Langton at Baker Farm: May 7th and 8th, 1994 / Roberta C. Martin; A Pre-Civil War Struggle Against Capital Punishment: Charles Spear, Concord and the Case of Washington Goode / Barry Kritzberg; "Some Private Business" / Philip Milner; Thoreau and the Glowworms / Francis B. Dedmond; Gauging the Value of Nature: Thoreau and His Woodchucks / John Bird; Martha Le Baron Goddard: Forgotten Worcester Writer and Thoreau Critic / Kent P. Ljungquist.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "Henry Thoreau in Cyberspace" / Joel Myerson ; "Who Owns Henry Thoreau?" / Lawrence Buell ; "Brook Farm and Concord: Transit Between Celebrated Communities" / Sterling F. Delano ; "The Saunterer's Vision: Henry Thoreau Epiphany of Forest Dynamics in The Dispersion of Seeds" / Michael Berger ; "Henry Thoreau and the Estabrook Country: A Historic and Personal Landscape" / Stephen F. Ells ; "Thoreau in the Town School, 1837" / Dick O'Connor ; "Thoreau's 'Basket of a Delicate Texture:' Weaving History in A Week" / Judith Broome Mesa-Pelly. The Thoreau Society, 1996. Paperback, 188 pp.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "Rethinking Thoreau and the History of American Ecology" / Frank N. Egerton and Laura Dassow Walls ; "In Search of Spring and Fall: Anticipation of Seasons in Thoreau's Journal" / Madeleine Minson ; "Henry Thoreau and the Advent of American Rail" / Henrik Gustafsson ; "Thoreau and Australia: Sauntering Under the Southern Cross" / James Porter ; "Australia's Literary Beachcomber: Confessions of a Different Drummer" / Edmund J. Banfield ; "'The World Is a Divine Dream:' Emerson's Subjective Idealism" / David Lyttle ; "Twelve Ungathered Poems by Franklin B. Sanborn (1831-1917)" / Ronald A. Bosco ; "John Muir and Thoreau's Cape Cod" / J. Parker Huber ; "Home Places: Excerpts from Woodswoman III" / Anne LaBastille ; "Correcting the Newspapers: Thoreau and 'A Plea for Captain John Brown'" / David G. Fuller ; "Uncaptured Monsters: The Ostracizing Allusions of Walden" / Sharlene Roeder. The Thoreau Society, 1997. Paperback, 191 pp.
The annual journal of the Thoreau Society. Articles: "Edward Waldo Emerson's Recollections of His Father's Death" / Joel Myerson ; "Foundations for the Castle: Building the Thoreau Institute" / Jason Taylor ; "Thoreau, Thales, and the Distribution of Water" / Eric Wilson ; "'I am of French Extract:' Thoreau's Sympathy with the French" / Richard S. Randolph ; "Henry David Thoreau" / Frans G. Bengtsson ; "German and the American Transcendentalists: An Intellectual Bridge" / Patrick Labriola ; "West by Southwest: Thoreau's Minnesota Journey" / Gordon V. Boudreau ; "Thoreau and Zane Grey's The Vanishing American" / Victor Carl Friesen ; "Thoreau as Leading Man: Bringing Him to the Screen" / Linda Keslar. The Thoreau Society, 1998. Paperback, 178 pp.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "Where Thoreau Was Born" / Joseph C. Wheeler ; "Growing Up On Thoreau Farm" / Joseph C. Wheeler ; "Seeds of Optimism: Thoreau's Late Field Studies" / Madeleine Minson ; "Tenth Muse Errant: On Thoreau's Crisis of Technology and Language" / Henrik Gustafsson ; "Keeping Pace With His Companion: Thomas Merton and Henry Thoreau" / Patrick F. O'Connell ; "Herbert W. Gleason: A Photographer's Journey to Thoreau's World" / Dale R. Schwie ; "The Herbert Wendell Gleason Negatives in the Concord Free Public Library: Odyssey of a Collection" / Leslie Perrin Wilson ; "Letters and Poems from Ellery Channing to Fanny Cummings, 1880-1882" / Joel Myerson and Susan M. Stone ; "Thoreau's Panoramic Vision and the Art of Guido Reni" / Charles Colbert ; "The Art and Legacy of Henry Beston's The Outermost House" / Allan D. Burns. The Thoreau Society, 1999. Paperback, 254 pp.
The annual journal of the Thoreau Society. Articles: "The Environment and the 21st Century: A Thoreauvian Interlude" / Max Oelschlaeger; "Journal of a Cross Lot Walker: Why We Think We Own North America" / John Hanson Mitchell; "Thoreau's Virtue Ethics in Walden" / Philip Cafaro; "The Publication of Nature: Walden and the Struggle of Authorship" / John Nickel; "N. C. Wyeth, Thoreau, and Men of Concord" / Leslie Perrin Wilson; "Thoreau, His Critics, and the Public" / N. C. Wyeth; "Eight Hours: John Muir in Concord" / J. Parker Huber. The Thoreau Society, 2000, Paperback, 128 pp.
The annual publication of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "Thoreau and the American Passion for Wilderness / Donald Worster ; "Thoreau's Environmental Ethics in Walden" / Philip Cafaro ; "A Concord Farmer Looks Back: The Reminiscences of William Henry Hunt" / Leslie Perrin Wilson ; "Ralph Waldo Emerson's Nature: Puritan Typology and German Idealism" / Patrick Labriola ; "A Thoreau in Paradise: E. J. Banfield's My Tropic Isle" / Robert Zeller.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. This issues helps to celebrate the bicentennial of Ralph Waldo Emerson's birth. Articles: "Emerson in the Twenty-First Century" / various authors; "Emerson and the Second Church in Boston" / Wesley Mott; "Emerson: Religion after Transcendentalism" / David Robinson; "John Muir and the Emerson Centennial" / J. Parker Huber; "Emerson on the Soul: What the Eye Cannot See" / David Lyttle; "Dear Friend: Letter Writing in Concord" / Robert Hudspeth; "'Treasure in My Own Mind:' The Diary of Martha Lawrence Prescott, 1834-1836" / Leslie Perrin Wilson; "'Patron of the World:' Henry Thoreau as Wordsworthian Poet" / Lance Newman; "Dragonflye Days at Trail Wood: Remembering Edwin W. and Nellie Teale" / Millard C. Davis. The Thoreau Society, 2003, Paperback, 209 pp.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "Recently Discovered Revisions Made by Thoreau to the First Edition Text of 'Civil Disobedience'" / James Dawson ; "Thoreau's Manuscript Surveys: Getting Beyond the Surface" / Leslie Perrin Wilson ; "Economic and Environmental Perspectives in the Surveying 'Field-Notes' of Henry David Thoreau" / Patrick Chura ; "The Virtue of Simplicity: Reading Thoreau with Aristotle" / Brian Treanor ; "The Economy of the Inward Life: John Woolman and Henry Thoreau" / William Jolliff; "An Unseen Stream" / Sam Pickering ; "Mapping Thoreau's World: An Artist's Journal on Making an Illustrated Map of Historic Concord" / John Roman. The Thoreau Society, 2007. Paperback, 186 pp.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "In the Company of Savagists: Thoreau's Indian Books" / Joshua David Bellin ; "The Theme of Time in Thoreau's Cape Cod" / Benjamin Vilhauer ; "Walden's Political Thoreau" / Paul Friedrich ; "Thoreau's Translations: John Brown, Apples, Lillies" / Edward Mooney ; "Commercial Method and Thoreau's Economy of Subsistence Writing" / David Dowling ; "The Old Corner Bookstore: 'Rialto of Current Good Things, Hub of the Hub'" / David Emblidge ; "The Elusive Spirit of Thoreau" / Rexford Strathroy ; "Almost There: Thoreau's Iconic Animals and Typee's Tidal Tug" / Michael Gionfriddo. The Thoreau Society, 2008. Paperback, 158 pp.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "The Troubled Ocean: Charity, Sentiment, and Thoreau's Global Consciousness in Cape Cod" / James Patrick Brown ; "Hunting the Human Animal: The Art of Ethical Perception in 'Higher Laws'" / Nancy Mayer ; "Henry Thoreauy, Charles Olson and the Poetics of Place" / Kristen Case ; "Evolving Transcendentalism: Thoreauvian Simplicity in Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin and Contemporary Ecological Architecture" / Naomi Uechi ; "'A real practical, in the American manner:' Turgenov's Emersonian Reformer" / Jeffrey Bilbro ; "'The Most Dismal Fraud of the New England Transcendental Group:' Julian Hawthorne on Thoreau / Gary Scharnhorst ; "Henry David Thoreau and the American Work Ethic" / David B. Raymond. The Thoreau Society, 2009. Paperback, 158 pp.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "From Ortelius to Champlain: The Lost Maps of Henry David Thoreau" / John Hessler; "Thoreau's Rhetoric of Estrangement in Cape Cod: Looking at America through a Knot-hole" / Bradley Ray King; "Aesthetic Inflectons: Thoreau, Gender, and Geology" / Patrick Morgan; "Henry David Thoreau in the American Art of the 1950s" / Mark Sullivan; "The Poet at Walden: Sojourn" / J. Walter Brain; "On Not Building a Cabin: Notes from Henry Thoreau's Journal, 21st-Century Edition" / Ian Marshall; "'All the Change Has Been in Me:' My Life as a Transcendentalist" / Audrey Raden; "Deconstructing the Shed: Where I Live and What I Live For" / Samuel Alexander. The Thoreau Society, 2010, Paperback, 145 pp.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "Figuring Henry: Thoreau's Autobiographical Accounts in Walden" / Henrik Otterberg ; "'Making the earth say beans:' Thoreau's 'The Bean-Field' as Latourian Mobilization" / Melissa Sexton ; "On the Quandary of Dreaming Frogs: Deciphering Thoreau's Philosophical Engagement" / Alfred I. Tauber ; "Spiritual Signature: On Thoreau's Expressive Silence" / Dan Beachy-Quick ; "Nicks, Intimacy" / Ian Davis ; "The Discipline of Vicinity" Christina Davis ; "Thoreau's Flute, or 'the Moose, the Pine Tree, & the Indian'" / Kathleen Coyne Kelly ; "Matter and Objects in The Maine Woods" / James Finley ; "Feeling What You See: Objectivity and Reflexivity in Thoreau's Lively Science" / Cristin Ellis ; "Reading Thoreau's Animals" / Michelle C. Neely. Poems: "Itinerary," "Mankindness" / Christina Davis ; "I Have Set Fire to the Forest," "Aubade with Foxes," "Pilgrim," "Skylight" / Cecily Parks; "A Commonweal," / Douglas Storm. The Thoreau Society, 2014. Paperback, 148 pp.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "Thoreau's Myth as Temporal Alternative" / Alexandra Manglis ; "'Another protest that shall be heard 'round the world:' The Woman's Journal and Women's Pilgrimages to Concord, Massachusetts" / Todd Richardson ; "Thoreau's Evolving Dream Toad Paradise, 1850-1860" / Walter Hesford ; "'First-Rate Fellows:' Excavating Thoreau's Radical Egalitarian Reflections in a Late Draft of 'Allegash'" / Courtney Traub ; "It's Not About You: Loon Games on Walden Pond" / Joan R. Wry ; "Thoreau and Violence" / Lance Newman ; "An Accidental Activist" / Jean Lee Cole ; "#ReclaimHDT" / James S. Finley ; "A Tribute to Walter Brain" / Allan H. Schmidt ; "The Poet at Walden II" / J. Walter Brain. Poems: "He Chose Minnesota" / Stephen Cushman ; "Friendship," "Canoe," "Up with the Birds" / Kate Longfield. The Thoreau Society, 2015. Paperback, 152 pp.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "Thoreau as Moral Hero" / Barry Andrews ; "Thoreau's Missing Militia Service" / Brent Ranalli ; "A Season of Purity: The Moral Naturalism of Henry David Thoreau" / Jeffrey Utzinger ; "On the Trail of the Hound, Bay Horse and Turtledove: More Tracks" / Alan Hodder ; "'Sympathy with Intelligence:' Thoreau's Reveries of Wonder, Presence and Divinities" / Edward Fiske Mooney ; "'Partly the Voice of the Wood:' Acoustic Ecology and the Soundscape of Walden / Ian Steward Marshall ; "Sunday on the River, Tuesday on the Beach: Wallace Stevens and the influence of Thoreau" / Edward Gillin ; "Exhibition: Men of Concord" / N. C. Wyeth and Andrew Wyeth ; "Thoreau and Education" / Lawrence Buell, Jeffrey Cramer, Megan Marshall. Poetry: "Triptych for Thoreau" / Rick Kempa. The Thoreau Society, 2016, Paperback, 159 pp.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "As High a Heaven" / Richard Higgins ; "The Quiet Pattern of Walden Pond: Four Models of the Pond's Water Level" / John M. Nevison ; "Thoreau, the Work of Breathing and Building Castles in the Air: Reading Walden's Conclusion" / Michael Gionfriddo ; "A School for the Present: Educational Lessons from Thoreau's Journal" / Ernesto Estrella Cozar ; "Sauntering the Year with Henry Thoreau" / Donna Marie Pryzbojewski ; "Tweeting Thoreau, and Other 21st-Century Strategies" / Luke Sundermeier and Heather Bise ; "Through 'The Bean Field'" / David Albano ; "A 21st-Century Approximation of Two Years in the Woods" / Liz Sokolov ; "Chatting About 'Nature" with Henry Thoreau and William Cronin" / Andrew Bishop ; "Teaching Thoreau's 'Walking' in the 21st Century" / Michael R. Schrimper ; "Taking Thoreau to Texas" / Kathryn Hamilton Warren ; "Grappling with Thoreau's 'Civil Disobedience' in the Russian Federation" / Christian Peterson ; "Thoreau in China: Reflections on Teaching Walden to Chinese Students" / Patrick Morgan ; "Thoreau, Race, and Environmental Justice: Deepening the Conversation" / Rebecca Kneale Gould. Poetry: "Aphelion," "North Woods," "At the Lake" / Sarah Alcott Anderson ; "Godhood" / Victor Carl Friesen. The Thoreau Society, 2017. Paperback, 194 pp.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "'Justice in the Land:' Ecological Protest in Henry David Thoreau's Antislavery Essays" / James Finley ; "The Moods of Climate Change, with Thoreau" / Andrew McMurry ; "Thoreau on the Strange Relation of Matter and Spirit" / Christopher A. Dustin / Preservative Care and Becoming Feral: Thoreau's Religious Perspective in A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers" / Robert Michael Ruehl ; "The Echoes of Walden: Reading Thoreau's Inverted Scripture through Cavell" / Brendan Mahoney ; "Henry and Me" / David Gessner ; "Land Surveying as a Poetic Exercise in Walden and 'Walking'" / Iuliu Ratiu ; "To Know a Bean" / Jodie Noel Vinson. The Thoreau Society, 2013. Paperback, 162 pp.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "Walking in the Wolf Light" / Christopher V. And Raymond F. Dolle ; "'A Smack of Wilderness:' Affect and Enchantment in Thoreau's First Taste of the Maine Wildernerss" / Jake McGinnis ; "Thoreau's Poetry and the New Materialism: A Matter of 'Enmeshedness'" / Michael R. Schrimper ; "Confucianism, Transcendentalism and the Dao of Henry Thoreau" / Austin Bernard Ross ; "Educating the State: Civil Disobedience by Dumas' Musketeers" / Brent Ranalli ; "Stop the Machine: Civil Disobedience and Maria Alyokhina's Riot Days" / Charmion Gustke ; "Radical Minimalism: Walden in the Capitalocene" / Resisting Extinction with Thoreau's Mystical Empiricism" / Rachael DeWitt ; "Thoreau at the Crossroads" / John Matteson and Diane Whitley Grote ; "Vain Strivings Untied" / David K. Leff. The Thoreau Society, 2018. Paperback, 169 pp.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "The Depth of Walden Pond: Thoreau As a Guide to Solving Twenty-First Century Environmental Problems" / Daniel B. Botkin; "Devising the 'Writer's Soul' in Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee's The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail" / Robert Hubbard; "'Slavery in Massachusetts' and Mitchel's Citizen: Rhetoric, Reform and Reprobates in 1854" / Chris L. Nesmith; "Emerson and Natural Evil" / David Lyttle; "Mrs. Woodward Hudson's Memoir of Mrs. Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar" / Leslie Perrin Wilson; "Thoreau's Tarn Identified: Guilder Pond" / Bernard A. Drew; "Kate Field on Thoreau" / Gary Scharnhorst; "Kindred Spirits: Edwin Way Teale and Henry David Thoreau" / Thomas A. Potter. The Thoreau Society, 2001, Paperback, 155 pp.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "The Strange Evolution of Henry Thoreau's House: An Architectural Journey" / Charles Shurcliff ; "An Inexhaustible (Digital) Landscape: Reading Thoreau's Journal Drawings" / Kathleen Coyne Kelly, Matt Hardy, Greg Palermo ; "Voicing Silence: Thoreau's Spiritual Audition" / Christopher A. Dustin ; "Henry Thoreau: Secret Schizoid" / Joseph Cusumano ; "The Aim of the Laborer: Critical Assessments of Henry David Thoreau's Philosophy of Work" / David B. Raymond ; "Thoreau's Legacy for Climate Change" / Scott Hess ; "The Ralph Waldo Emerson Society: An 'Ever-Evolving Circle'" / Bonnie Carr O'Neill ; "Storytelling in the 21st Century: The Feminist Author Society in the Era of Trump" / Noelle A. Baker ; "The Potential of the Author Society" / Marlow Daly-Galeano ; "Authorizing Scholarship" / Karen L. Kilcup ; "Fostering Education and Challenging Our Lives: The Thoreau Society in Action" / James S. Finley and Sandra Harbert Petrulionis ; "Beyond the Concord and Merrimack Henry Lifts an Arrowhead from the Manse Field Relic Hunting" [poetry] / Catherine Staples. The Thoreau Society, 2020. Paperback, 230 pp.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Contents: Laundry! / Brent Ranalli ; Finding Walden in Emerson's Plato / Mark Gallagher ; Thoreau's Last Wolves in the Natural History Notebooks / Christopher V. Dolle and Raymond F. Dolle ; "Here are the model children!" Revisiting Louisa May Alcott's Representations of Her Parents' Educational Theories / Azelina Flint ; Thoreau, Prometheus, and the Universal Discourse of "Civil Disobedience" / Rupendra Guha-Majumdar ; Thoreau's Walden: Epicureanism or Stoicism? / Toby J. Svoboda ; Sixty Excursions and Thoreau's Journal / James Perrin Warren ; Bird Poems / Charles Weld ; The Rhyzomatic Water Lily (Nymphaea oderata) at Heywood Meadow / Cecelia Musselman. The Thoreau Society, 2008. Paperback, 158 pp.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Contents: Birds as Moral Measure: Thoreau and Audubon as Men of Their Time: Choosing Sins of Hate or Love and Doing Better / J. Drew Lanham ; Making Walden and Its Sandbank / William Rossi ; Martin Delany: Labor, Ecology, and Black Freedom / Alex Moskowitz ; Environmental Double Consciousness and Thoreauvian Intertextuality in Hannah Crafts; The Bondwoman's Narrative / Megan Cole ; Frederick Douglass, "Niagara" / Matthias Klestil ; Charlotten Forten, Nature Writer / Mollie Barnes ; What Thoreau Knew About Butterflies / Lewis Hyde ; Poems About Thoreau: "Thoreau at the Morgan," "Walking Around Walden," "Thoreau's Cairn" / David K. Leff ; "The House of Stillness, "Pen From Korea," "Loon's Way" / David McCann ; Snowberry Clearwing (Hemaris diffinis), near Walden Pond / Michael Frederick ; Eastern Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes asterius) & Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui), on Walden's Shore / Vanessa Vallee. The Thoreau Society, 2023. Paperback, 140 pp.
One of the quarterly newsletters of The Thoreau Society. In this issue: "Thoreau, Tuberculosis, and the Outdoor Life" / Michael Gionfriddo ; "Thoreau's PTSD and Posttraumatic Growth" / Michael Sperber and Brent Ranalli ; "The Fire Within: A Tribute to Bob Richardson" Laura Dassow Walls ; "Upstream with the Transcendentalists" / Robert D. Richardson. Book reviews: Transcendental Heresies: Harvard and the Modern Practice of Unbelief (David Faflik), by Stephen Hahn ; Techno-Thoreau: Aesthetics, Ecology and the Capitalocene (David Lombard) / Rachael DeWitt.
The Thoreau Society, 2020, TSB 311, Paperback, 20 pp.
One of the quarterly newsletters of The Thoreau Society. In this issue: "On China Asters" / C. John Burk ; "The Thoreau Society of Japan Annual Meeting 2018" / Michiko Ono ; "Hamlet in Thoreau's 'Civil Disobedience'," / R. W. Desai. Book reviews: Finding Thoreau: The Meaning of Nature in the Making of an Environmental Icon (Richard W. Judd) / Lawrence Buell ; The Road to Walden: 12 Life Lessons from a Sojourn to Thoreau's Cabin (Kevin Dann) / Sheila Post ; The Upland Farm: Thoreau on Cultivating a Better Life (Peter Saint-Andre) / Paul Newton. The Thoreau Society, 2019, TSB 306, Paperback, 16 pp.
One of the quarterly newsletters of The Thoreau Society. In this issue: "Thoreau's Continuing Contributions to Climate Change Science" / Richard B. Primack and Caitlin McDonough MacKenzie ; "Light and Language in Thoreau and Rumi" / Alireza Taghdarreh ; "Thoreau's Way with Words" / Mary G. Bernath. Reviews: Thoreau's Notes on Birds of New England (Henry David Thoreau) / Geoff Wisner ; Henry David Thoreau: Surveyor of the Soul (Films by Huey) / Rebecca Kneale Gould. The Thoreau Society, 2020, TSB 309, Paperback, 20 pp.
A quarterly newsletter issued by The Thoreau Society. In this issue: "A Tribute to Sophia Thoreau" / Richard Smith ; "Walden: 100 Years After Thoreau: A Retrospective" / John Irving Clapp ; "Octavius Brooks Frothingham's Review of A Week" / Mark Gallagher ; "Knowing Thoreau: Using Nature Writing with Middle School Students" / Tonya Lambert ; "Thoreau Society Welcomes Penobscot Nation" / Ron Hoag. Book reviews: Learning from Thoreau (by Andrew Menard) / Henrik Otterberg ; Transcendentalism and the Cultivation of the Soul (by Barry M. Andrews) / Alan Hodder. The Thoreau Society, 2019, TSB 305, Paperback.
One of the quarterly newsletters of The Thoreau Society. In this issue: "Thoreau and John Brown as Proletarian Heroes: Mike Gold's Battle Hymn" / Patrick Chura ; "Thoreau and the Economics of Crime and Punishment" / Thomas J. Miceli. Book reviews: Lessons from Walden: Thoreau and the Crisis of American Democracy (by Bob Pepperman Taylor) / Geoff Wisner ; Black Walden: Slavery and its Aftermath in Concord, Massachusetts (by Elise Lemire) / Marlies Henderson ; This Radical Land: A Natural History of American Dissent (by Daegan Miller) / Evan Edwards. The Thoreau Society, 2020, TSB 310, Paperback, 20 pp.
One of the quarterly newsletters of The Thoreau Society. In this issue: "A New Generation of Thoreaus" / Dana E. Abizaid ; "Thoreau Society Honors Leslie Perrin Wilson" / Joseph C. Wheeler ; "Alfred Hosmer's Notes in Salt's Biography of Thoreau, and an Unpublished Salt Letter" / James Dawson ; "Abstracts: Thoreau Society Panel at the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) Conference, University of California, Davis, June 26-30, 2019: Ecological Erotics." Book reviews: The Correspondence of Henry D. Thoreau. Volume 2: 1849-1856 (Robert N. Hudspeth, editor) / Sandra Harbert Petrulionis ; Emerson, Thoreau et Brownson au Quebec. Elements pour une comparison des milieux intellectuals en Nouvelle-Angleterre et au Bas-Canada (1830-1860) (Yvan Lamonde) / Julien Negre. The Thoreau Society, 2019, TSB 307, Paperback, 16 pp.
A quarterly newsletter issued by The Thoreau Society. In this issue: "The Architecture of Self-Isolation: Building Henry David Thoreau's Walden Pond House in the Maine Woods" / Tom Sieniewicz ; "The Pedagogy of Thoreau's Essay 'Walking'" / Lynn Holtzman. Reviews: "Donna Marie Prsybojewski's Books about Thoreau for Children: A Review" / Dianne McConville Weiss and Victor Curran; "All That Heaven Allows (1955): Sirk's Thoreauvian Parable of American Home-Making" / Keegan O'Connor. The Thoreau Society, 2021, TSB 312, Paperback, 20 pp.