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The Concord Saunterer, New Series Volume 1, number 1 (Fall 1993) The Concord Saunterer, New Series Volume 2, Number 1 (Fall 1994) The Concord Saunterer, New Series Volume 4 (Fall 1996)
The Concord Saunterer, New Series Volume 1, number 1 (Fall 1993)
List Price: $35.00
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The Concord Saunterer, New Series Volume 2, Number 1 (Fall 1994)
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The Concord Saunterer, New Series Volume 4 (Fall 1996)
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The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "The Stalk of the Lotus: Concord's Most Famous Friendship" / Robert D. Richardson, Jr. ; "''Captain of a Huckleberry Party': Thoreau and a New England Ritual of Summer" / Wesley T. Mott ; "Convers Francis and the Concordians: Emerson, Alcott and Others" / Guy R. Woodall ; "Forever Wild: A Portrait of Walden Warrior Mary Sherwood / Joel Lang ; "Sarah Alden Ripley, Another Concord Botanist" / Joan Goodwin ; "Ellery Channing: The Turning Point" / Harmon Smith.
The Thoreau Society, 1993. Paperback, 94 pp.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society, Articles: Young Men and Women of Fairest Promise: Transcendentalism in Concord / Robert A. Gross; Thoreau's Sauntering: The "Adventure of the Day" / Victor Carl Friesen; "The Road to Ruins and Restoration:" Roland W. Robbins, Henry David Thoreau, and the Discovery at Walden / Donald W. Linebaugh; Thoreau's Domestic Economy: Double Accounts in Walden / Etsuko Taketani; An Interview with Jane Langton at Baker Farm: May 7th and 8th, 1994 / Roberta C. Martin; A Pre-Civil War Struggle Against Capital Punishment: Charles Spear, Concord and the Case of Washington Goode / Barry Kritzberg; "Some Private Business" / Philip Milner; Thoreau and the Glowworms / Francis B. Dedmond; Gauging the Value of Nature: Thoreau and His Woodchucks / John Bird; Martha Le Baron Goddard: Forgotten Worcester Writer and Thoreau Critic / Kent P. Ljungquist.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "Henry Thoreau in Cyberspace" / Joel Myerson ; "Who Owns Henry Thoreau?" / Lawrence Buell ; "Brook Farm and Concord: Transit Between Celebrated Communities" / Sterling F. Delano ; "The Saunterer's Vision: Henry Thoreau Epiphany of Forest Dynamics in The Dispersion of Seeds" / Michael Berger ; "Henry Thoreau and the Estabrook Country: A Historic and Personal Landscape" / Stephen F. Ells ; "Thoreau in the Town School, 1837" / Dick O'Connor ; "Thoreau's 'Basket of a Delicate Texture:' Weaving History in A Week" / Judith Broome Mesa-Pelly.
The Thoreau Society, 1996. Paperback, 188 pp.
The Concord Saunterer, New Series Volume 5 (Fall 1997) The Concord Saunterer, New Series Volume 6 (1998) The Concord Saunterer, New Series Volume 7 (1999)
The Concord Saunterer, New Series Volume 5 (Fall 1997)
List Price: $35.00
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The Concord Saunterer, New Series Volume 6 (1998)
List Price: $35.00
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The Concord Saunterer, New Series Volume 7 (1999)
List Price: $35.00
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The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "Rethinking Thoreau and the History of American Ecology" / Frank N. Egerton and Laura Dassow Walls ; "In Search of Spring and Fall: Anticipation of Seasons in Thoreau's Journal" / Madeleine Minson ; "Henry Thoreau and the Advent of American Rail" / Henrik Gustafsson ; "Thoreau and Australia: Sauntering Under the Southern Cross" / James Porter ; "Australia's Literary Beachcomber: Confessions of a Different Drummer" / Edmund J. Banfield ; "'The World Is a Divine Dream:' Emerson's Subjective Idealism" / David Lyttle ; "Twelve Ungathered Poems by Franklin B. Sanborn (1831-1917)" / Ronald A. Bosco ; "John Muir and Thoreau's Cape Cod" / J. Parker Huber ; "Home Places: Excerpts from Woodswoman III" / Anne LaBastille ; "Correcting the Newspapers: Thoreau and 'A Plea for Captain John Brown'" / David G. Fuller ; "Uncaptured Monsters: The Ostracizing Allusions of Walden" / Sharlene Roeder.
The Thoreau Society, 1997. Paperback, 191 pp.
The annual journal of the Thoreau Society. Articles: "Edward Waldo Emerson's Recollections of His Father's Death" / Joel Myerson ; "Foundations for the Castle: Building the Thoreau Institute" / Jason Taylor ; "Thoreau, Thales, and the Distribution of Water" / Eric Wilson ; "'I am of French Extract:' Thoreau's Sympathy with the French" / Richard S. Randolph ; "Henry David Thoreau" / Frans G. Bengtsson ; "German and the American Transcendentalists: An Intellectual Bridge" / Patrick Labriola ; "West by Southwest: Thoreau's Minnesota Journey" / Gordon V. Boudreau ; "Thoreau and Zane Grey's The Vanishing American" / Victor Carl Friesen ; "Thoreau as Leading Man: Bringing Him to the Screen" / Linda Keslar.
The Thoreau Society, 1998. Paperback, 178 pp.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "Where Thoreau Was Born" / Joseph C. Wheeler ; "Growing Up On Thoreau Farm" / Joseph C. Wheeler ; "Seeds of Optimism: Thoreau's Late Field Studies" / Madeleine Minson ; "Tenth Muse Errant: On Thoreau's Crisis of Technology and Language" / Henrik Gustafsson ; "Keeping Pace With His Companion: Thomas Merton and Henry Thoreau" / Patrick F. O'Connell ; "Herbert W. Gleason: A Photographer's Journey to Thoreau's World" / Dale R. Schwie ; "The Herbert Wendell Gleason Negatives in the Concord Free Public Library: Odyssey of a Collection" / Leslie Perrin Wilson ; "Letters and Poems from Ellery Channing to Fanny Cummings, 1880-1882" / Joel Myerson and Susan M. Stone ; "Thoreau's Panoramic Vision and the Art of Guido Reni" / Charles Colbert ; "The Art and Legacy of Henry Beston's The Outermost House" / Allan D. Burns.
The Thoreau Society, 1999. Paperback, 254 pp.
The Concord Saunterer, New Series Volume 8 (2000) The Concord Saunterer, New Series Volume 10 (2002) The Concord Saunterer, New Series Volume 11 (2003)
The Concord Saunterer, New Series Volume 8 (2000)
List Price: $35.00
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The Concord Saunterer, New Series Volume 10 (2002)
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The Concord Saunterer, New Series Volume 11 (2003)
List Price: $35.00
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The annual journal of the Thoreau Society. Articles: "The Environment and the 21st Century: A Thoreauvian Interlude" / Max Oelschlaeger; "Journal of a Cross Lot Walker: Why We Think We Own North America" / John Hanson Mitchell; "Thoreau's Virtue Ethics in Walden" / Philip Cafaro; "The Publication of Nature: Walden and the Struggle of Authorship" / John Nickel; "N. C. Wyeth, Thoreau, and Men of Concord" / Leslie Perrin Wilson; "Thoreau, His Critics, and the Public" / N. C. Wyeth; "Eight Hours: John Muir in Concord" / J. Parker Huber.
The Thoreau Society, 2000, Paperback, 128 pp.
The annual publication of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "Thoreau and the American Passion for Wilderness / Donald Worster ; "Thoreau's Environmental Ethics in Walden" / Philip Cafaro ; "A Concord Farmer Looks Back: The Reminiscences of William Henry Hunt" / Leslie Perrin Wilson ; "Ralph Waldo Emerson's Nature: Puritan Typology and German Idealism" / Patrick Labriola ; "A Thoreau in Paradise: E. J. Banfield's My Tropic Isle" / Robert Zeller. The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. This issues helps to celebrate the bicentennial of Ralph Waldo Emerson's birth. Articles: "Emerson in the Twenty-First Century" / various authors; "Emerson and the Second Church in Boston" / Wesley Mott; "Emerson: Religion after Transcendentalism" / David Robinson; "John Muir and the Emerson Centennial" / J. Parker Huber; "Emerson on the Soul: What the Eye Cannot See" / David Lyttle; "Dear Friend: Letter Writing in Concord" / Robert Hudspeth; "'Treasure in My Own Mind:' The Diary of Martha Lawrence Prescott, 1834-1836" / Leslie Perrin Wilson; "'Patron of the World:' Henry Thoreau as Wordsworthian Poet" / Lance Newman; "Dragonflye Days at Trail Wood: Remembering Edwin W. and Nellie Teale" / Millard C. Davis.
The Thoreau Society, 2003, Paperback, 209 pp.
The Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies, New Series Volume 15 (2007) The Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies, New Series Volume 16 (2008) The Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies, New Series Volume 17 (2009)
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "Recently Discovered Revisions Made by Thoreau to the First Edition Text of 'Civil Disobedience'" / James Dawson ; "Thoreau's Manuscript Surveys: Getting Beyond the Surface" / Leslie Perrin Wilson ; "Economic and Environmental Perspectives in the Surveying 'Field-Notes' of Henry David Thoreau" / Patrick Chura ; "The Virtue of Simplicity: Reading Thoreau with Aristotle" / Brian Treanor ; "The Economy of the Inward Life: John Woolman and Henry Thoreau" / William Jolliff; "An Unseen Stream" / Sam Pickering ; "Mapping Thoreau's World: An Artist's Journal on Making an Illustrated Map of Historic Concord" / John Roman.
The Thoreau Society, 2007. Paperback, 186 pp.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "In the Company of Savagists: Thoreau's Indian Books" / Joshua David Bellin ; "The Theme of Time in Thoreau's Cape Cod" / Benjamin Vilhauer ; "Walden's Political Thoreau" / Paul Friedrich ; "Thoreau's Translations: John Brown, Apples, Lillies" / Edward Mooney ; "Commercial Method and Thoreau's Economy of Subsistence Writing" / David Dowling ; "The Old Corner Bookstore: 'Rialto of Current Good Things, Hub of the Hub'" / David Emblidge ; "The Elusive Spirit of Thoreau" / Rexford Strathroy ; "Almost There: Thoreau's Iconic Animals and Typee's Tidal Tug" / Michael Gionfriddo.
The Thoreau Society, 2008. Paperback, 158 pp.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "The Troubled Ocean: Charity, Sentiment, and Thoreau's Global Consciousness in Cape Cod" / James Patrick Brown ; "Hunting the Human Animal: The Art of Ethical Perception in 'Higher Laws'" / Nancy Mayer ; "Henry Thoreauy, Charles Olson and the Poetics of Place" / Kristen Case ; "Evolving Transcendentalism: Thoreauvian Simplicity in Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin and Contemporary Ecological Architecture" / Naomi Uechi ; "'A real practical, in the American manner:' Turgenov's Emersonian Reformer" / Jeffrey Bilbro ; "'The Most Dismal Fraud of the New England Transcendental Group:' Julian Hawthorne on Thoreau / Gary Scharnhorst ; "Henry David Thoreau and the American Work Ethic" / David B. Raymond.
The Thoreau Society, 2009. Paperback, 158 pp.
The Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies, New Series Volume 18 (2010) The Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies, New Series Volume 22 (2014) The Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies, New Series Volume 23 (2015)
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "From Ortelius to Champlain: The Lost Maps of Henry David Thoreau" / John Hessler; "Thoreau's Rhetoric of Estrangement in Cape Cod: Looking at America through a Knot-hole" / Bradley Ray King; "Aesthetic Inflectons: Thoreau, Gender, and Geology" / Patrick Morgan; "Henry David Thoreau in the American Art of the 1950s" / Mark Sullivan; "The Poet at Walden: Sojourn" / J. Walter Brain; "On Not Building a Cabin: Notes from Henry Thoreau's Journal, 21st-Century Edition" / Ian Marshall; "'All the Change Has Been in Me:' My Life as a Transcendentalist" / Audrey Raden; "Deconstructing the Shed: Where I Live and What I Live For" / Samuel Alexander.
The Thoreau Society, 2010, Paperback, 145 pp.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "Figuring Henry: Thoreau's Autobiographical Accounts in Walden" / Henrik Otterberg ; "'Making the earth say beans:' Thoreau's 'The Bean-Field' as Latourian Mobilization" / Melissa Sexton ; "On the Quandary of Dreaming Frogs: Deciphering Thoreau's Philosophical Engagement" / Alfred I. Tauber ; "Spiritual Signature: On Thoreau's Expressive Silence" / Dan Beachy-Quick ; "Nicks, Intimacy" / Ian Davis ; "The Discipline of Vicinity" Christina Davis ; "Thoreau's Flute, or 'the Moose, the Pine Tree, & the Indian'" / Kathleen Coyne Kelly ; "Matter and Objects in The Maine Woods" / James Finley ; "Feeling What You See: Objectivity and Reflexivity in Thoreau's Lively Science" / Cristin Ellis ; "Reading Thoreau's Animals" / Michelle C. Neely. Poems: "Itinerary," "Mankindness" / Christina Davis ; "I Have Set Fire to the Forest," "Aubade with Foxes," "Pilgrim," "Skylight" / Cecily Parks; "A Commonweal," / Douglas Storm.
The Thoreau Society, 2014. Paperback, 148 pp.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "Thoreau's Myth as Temporal Alternative" / Alexandra Manglis ; "'Another protest that shall be heard 'round the world:' The Woman's Journal and Women's Pilgrimages to Concord, Massachusetts" / Todd Richardson ; "Thoreau's Evolving Dream Toad Paradise, 1850-1860" / Walter Hesford ; "'First-Rate Fellows:' Excavating Thoreau's Radical Egalitarian Reflections in a Late Draft of 'Allegash'" / Courtney Traub ; "It's Not About You: Loon Games on Walden Pond" / Joan R. Wry ; "Thoreau and Violence" / Lance Newman ; "An Accidental Activist" / Jean Lee Cole ; "#ReclaimHDT" / James S. Finley ; "A Tribute to Walter Brain" / Allan H. Schmidt ; "The Poet at Walden II" / J. Walter Brain. Poems: "He Chose Minnesota" / Stephen Cushman ; "Friendship," "Canoe," "Up with the Birds" / Kate Longfield.
The Thoreau Society, 2015. Paperback, 152 pp.
The Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies, New Series Volume 24 (2016) The Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies, New Series Volume 25 (2017) The Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies, New Series Volume 21 (2013)
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "Thoreau as Moral Hero" / Barry Andrews ; "Thoreau's Missing Militia Service" / Brent Ranalli ; "A Season of Purity: The Moral Naturalism of Henry David Thoreau" / Jeffrey Utzinger ; "On the Trail of the Hound, Bay Horse and Turtledove: More Tracks" / Alan Hodder ; "'Sympathy with Intelligence:' Thoreau's Reveries of Wonder, Presence and Divinities" / Edward Fiske Mooney ; "'Partly the Voice of the Wood:' Acoustic Ecology and the Soundscape of Walden / Ian Steward Marshall ; "Sunday on the River, Tuesday on the Beach: Wallace Stevens and the influence of Thoreau" / Edward Gillin ; "Exhibition: Men of Concord" / N. C. Wyeth and Andrew Wyeth ; "Thoreau and Education" / Lawrence Buell, Jeffrey Cramer, Megan Marshall. Poetry: "Triptych for Thoreau" / Rick Kempa.
The Thoreau Society, 2016, Paperback, 159 pp.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "As High a Heaven" / Richard Higgins ; "The Quiet Pattern of Walden Pond: Four Models of the Pond's Water Level" / John M. Nevison ; "Thoreau, the Work of Breathing and Building Castles in the Air: Reading Walden's Conclusion" / Michael Gionfriddo ; "A School for the Present: Educational Lessons from Thoreau's Journal" / Ernesto Estrella Cozar ; "Sauntering the Year with Henry Thoreau" / Donna Marie Pryzbojewski ; "Tweeting Thoreau, and Other 21st-Century Strategies" / Luke Sundermeier and Heather Bise ; "Through 'The Bean Field'" / David Albano ; "A 21st-Century Approximation of Two Years in the Woods" / Liz Sokolov ; "Chatting About 'Nature" with Henry Thoreau and William Cronin" / Andrew Bishop ; "Teaching Thoreau's 'Walking' in the 21st Century" / Michael R. Schrimper ; "Taking Thoreau to Texas" / Kathryn Hamilton Warren ; "Grappling with Thoreau's 'Civil Disobedience' in the Russian Federation" / Christian Peterson ; "Thoreau in China: Reflections on Teaching Walden to Chinese Students" / Patrick Morgan ; "Thoreau, Race, and Environmental Justice: Deepening the Conversation" / Rebecca Kneale Gould. Poetry: "Aphelion," "North Woods," "At the Lake" / Sarah Alcott Anderson ; "Godhood" / Victor Carl Friesen.
The Thoreau Society, 2017. Paperback, 194 pp.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "'Justice in the Land:' Ecological Protest in Henry David Thoreau's Antislavery Essays" / James Finley ; "The Moods of Climate Change, with Thoreau" / Andrew McMurry ; "Thoreau on the Strange Relation of Matter and Spirit" / Christopher A. Dustin / Preservative Care and Becoming Feral: Thoreau's Religious Perspective in A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers" / Robert Michael Ruehl ; "The Echoes of Walden: Reading Thoreau's Inverted Scripture through Cavell" / Brendan Mahoney ; "Henry and Me" / David Gessner ; "Land Surveying as a Poetic Exercise in Walden and 'Walking'" / Iuliu Ratiu ; "To Know a Bean" / Jodie Noel Vinson.
The Thoreau Society, 2013. Paperback, 162 pp.
The Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies, New Series Volume 26 (2018) The Concord Saunterer, New Series Volume 9 (2001) Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies, New Series Volume 28 (2020)
The Concord Saunterer, New Series Volume 9 (2001)
List Price: $35.00
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Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies, New Series Volume 28 (2020)
List Price: $35.00
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The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "Walking in the Wolf Light" / Christopher V. And Raymond F. Dolle ; "'A Smack of Wilderness:' Affect and Enchantment in Thoreau's First Taste of the Maine Wildernerss" / Jake McGinnis ; "Thoreau's Poetry and the New Materialism: A Matter of 'Enmeshedness'" / Michael R. Schrimper ; "Confucianism, Transcendentalism and the Dao of Henry Thoreau" / Austin Bernard Ross ; "Educating the State: Civil Disobedience by Dumas' Musketeers" / Brent Ranalli ; "Stop the Machine: Civil Disobedience and Maria Alyokhina's Riot Days" / Charmion Gustke ; "Radical Minimalism: Walden in the Capitalocene" / Resisting Extinction with Thoreau's Mystical Empiricism" / Rachael DeWitt ; "Thoreau at the Crossroads" / John Matteson and Diane Whitley Grote ; "Vain Strivings Untied" / David K. Leff.
The Thoreau Society, 2018. Paperback, 169 pp.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "The Depth of Walden Pond: Thoreau As a Guide to Solving Twenty-First Century Environmental Problems" / Daniel B. Botkin; "Devising the 'Writer's Soul' in Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee's The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail" / Robert Hubbard; "'Slavery in Massachusetts' and Mitchel's Citizen: Rhetoric, Reform and Reprobates in 1854" / Chris L. Nesmith; "Emerson and Natural Evil" / David Lyttle; "Mrs. Woodward Hudson's Memoir of Mrs. Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar" / Leslie Perrin Wilson; "Thoreau's Tarn Identified: Guilder Pond" / Bernard A. Drew; "Kate Field on Thoreau" / Gary Scharnhorst; "Kindred Spirits: Edwin Way Teale and Henry David Thoreau" / Thomas A. Potter.
The Thoreau Society, 2001, Paperback, 155 pp.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "The Strange Evolution of Henry Thoreau's House: An Architectural Journey" / Charles Shurcliff ; "An Inexhaustible (Digital) Landscape: Reading Thoreau's Journal Drawings" / Kathleen Coyne Kelly, Matt Hardy, Greg Palermo ; "Voicing Silence: Thoreau's Spiritual Audition" / Christopher A. Dustin ; "Henry Thoreau: Secret Schizoid" / Joseph Cusumano ; "The Aim of the Laborer: Critical Assessments of Henry David Thoreau's Philosophy of Work" / David B. Raymond ; "Thoreau's Legacy for Climate Change" / Scott Hess ; "The Ralph Waldo Emerson Society: An 'Ever-Evolving Circle'" / Bonnie Carr O'Neill ; "Storytelling in the 21st Century: The Feminist Author Society in the Era of Trump" / Noelle A. Baker ; "The Potential of the Author Society" / Marlow Daly-Galeano ; "Authorizing Scholarship" / Karen L. Kilcup ; "Fostering Education and Challenging Our Lives: The Thoreau Society in Action" / James S. Finley and Sandra Harbert Petrulionis ; "Beyond the Concord and Merrimack Henry Lifts an Arrowhead from the Manse Field Relic Hunting" [poetry] / Catherine Staples.
The Thoreau Society, 2020. Paperback, 230 pp.
The Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies, New Series Volume 29 (2021) The Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies, New Series Volume 30 (2022) Thoreau Society Bulletin 311 Fall 2020
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Contents: Laundry! / Brent Ranalli ; Finding Walden in Emerson's Plato / Mark Gallagher ; Thoreau's Last Wolves in the Natural History Notebooks / Christopher V. Dolle and Raymond F. Dolle ; "Here are the model children!" Revisiting Louisa May Alcott's Representations of Her Parents' Educational Theories / Azelina Flint ; Thoreau, Prometheus, and the Universal Discourse of "Civil Disobedience" / Rupendra Guha-Majumdar ; Thoreau's Walden: Epicureanism or Stoicism? / Toby J. Svoboda ; Sixty Excursions and Thoreau's Journal / James Perrin Warren ; Bird Poems / Charles Weld ; The Rhyzomatic Water Lily (Nymphaea oderata) at Heywood Meadow / Cecelia Musselman.
The Thoreau Society, 2008. Paperback, 158 pp.
The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Contents: Birds as Moral Measure: Thoreau and Audubon as Men of Their Time: Choosing Sins of Hate or Love and Doing Better / J. Drew Lanham ; Making Walden and Its Sandbank / William Rossi ; Martin Delany: Labor, Ecology, and Black Freedom / Alex Moskowitz ; Environmental Double Consciousness and Thoreauvian Intertextuality in Hannah Crafts; The Bondwoman's Narrative / Megan Cole ; Frederick Douglass, "Niagara" / Matthias Klestil ; Charlotten Forten, Nature Writer / Mollie Barnes ; What Thoreau Knew About Butterflies / Lewis Hyde ; Poems About Thoreau: "Thoreau at the Morgan," "Walking Around Walden," "Thoreau's Cairn" / David K. Leff ; "The House of Stillness, "Pen From Korea," "Loon's Way" / David McCann ; Snowberry Clearwing (Hemaris diffinis), near Walden Pond / Michael Frederick ; Eastern Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes asterius) & Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui), on Walden's Shore / Vanessa Vallee.
The Thoreau Society, 2023. Paperback, 140 pp.
One of the quarterly newsletters of The Thoreau Society. In this issue: "Thoreau, Tuberculosis, and the Outdoor Life" / Michael Gionfriddo ; "Thoreau's PTSD and Posttraumatic Growth" / Michael Sperber and Brent Ranalli ; "The Fire Within: A Tribute to Bob Richardson" Laura Dassow Walls ; "Upstream with the Transcendentalists" / Robert D. Richardson. Book reviews: Transcendental Heresies: Harvard and the Modern Practice of Unbelief (David Faflik), by Stephen Hahn ; Techno-Thoreau: Aesthetics, Ecology and the Capitalocene (David Lombard) / Rachael DeWitt.

The Thoreau Society, 2020, TSB 311, Paperback, 20 pp.
Thoreau Society Bulletin 306 Summer 2019 Thoreau Society Bulletin 309 Spring 2020 Thoreau Society Bulletin 305 Spring 2019
One of the quarterly newsletters of The Thoreau Society. In this issue: "On China Asters" / C. John Burk ; "The Thoreau Society of Japan Annual Meeting 2018" / Michiko Ono ; "Hamlet in Thoreau's 'Civil Disobedience'," / R. W. Desai. Book reviews: Finding Thoreau: The Meaning of Nature in the Making of an Environmental Icon (Richard W. Judd) / Lawrence Buell ; The Road to Walden: 12 Life Lessons from a Sojourn to Thoreau's Cabin (Kevin Dann) / Sheila Post ; The Upland Farm: Thoreau on Cultivating a Better Life (Peter Saint-Andre) / Paul Newton.
The Thoreau Society, 2019, TSB 306, Paperback, 16 pp.
One of the quarterly newsletters of The Thoreau Society. In this issue: "Thoreau's Continuing Contributions to Climate Change Science" / Richard B. Primack and Caitlin McDonough MacKenzie ; "Light and Language in Thoreau and Rumi" / Alireza Taghdarreh ; "Thoreau's Way with Words" / Mary G. Bernath. Reviews: Thoreau's Notes on Birds of New England (Henry David Thoreau) / Geoff Wisner ; Henry David Thoreau: Surveyor of the Soul (Films by Huey) / Rebecca Kneale Gould.
The Thoreau Society, 2020, TSB 309, Paperback, 20 pp.
A quarterly newsletter issued by The Thoreau Society. In this issue: "A Tribute to Sophia Thoreau" / Richard Smith ; "Walden: 100 Years After Thoreau: A Retrospective" / John Irving Clapp ; "Octavius Brooks Frothingham's Review of A Week" / Mark Gallagher ; "Knowing Thoreau: Using Nature Writing with Middle School Students" / Tonya Lambert ; "Thoreau Society Welcomes Penobscot Nation" / Ron Hoag. Book reviews: Learning from Thoreau (by Andrew Menard) / Henrik Otterberg ; Transcendentalism and the Cultivation of the Soul (by Barry M. Andrews) / Alan Hodder.
The Thoreau Society, 2019, TSB 305, Paperback.
Thoreau Society Bulletin 310 Summer 2020 Thoreau Society Bulletin 307 Fall 2019 Thoreau Society Bulletin 312 Winter 2021
One of the quarterly newsletters of The Thoreau Society. In this issue: "Thoreau and John Brown as Proletarian Heroes: Mike Gold's Battle Hymn" / Patrick Chura ; "Thoreau and the Economics of Crime and Punishment" / Thomas J. Miceli. Book reviews: Lessons from Walden: Thoreau and the Crisis of American Democracy (by Bob Pepperman Taylor) / Geoff Wisner ; Black Walden: Slavery and its Aftermath in Concord, Massachusetts (by Elise Lemire) / Marlies Henderson ; This Radical Land: A Natural History of American Dissent (by Daegan Miller) / Evan Edwards.
The Thoreau Society, 2020, TSB 310, Paperback, 20 pp.
One of the quarterly newsletters of The Thoreau Society. In this issue: "A New Generation of Thoreaus" / Dana E. Abizaid ; "Thoreau Society Honors Leslie Perrin Wilson" / Joseph C. Wheeler ; "Alfred Hosmer's Notes in Salt's Biography of Thoreau, and an Unpublished Salt Letter" / James Dawson ; "Abstracts: Thoreau Society Panel at the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) Conference, University of California, Davis, June 26-30, 2019: Ecological Erotics." Book reviews: The Correspondence of Henry D. Thoreau. Volume 2: 1849-1856 (Robert N. Hudspeth, editor) / Sandra Harbert Petrulionis ; Emerson, Thoreau et Brownson au Quebec. Elements pour une comparison des milieux intellectuals en Nouvelle-Angleterre et au Bas-Canada (1830-1860) (Yvan Lamonde) / Julien Negre.
The Thoreau Society, 2019, TSB 307, Paperback, 16 pp.
A quarterly newsletter issued by The Thoreau Society. In this issue: "The Architecture of Self-Isolation: Building Henry David Thoreau's Walden Pond House in the Maine Woods" / Tom Sieniewicz ; "The Pedagogy of Thoreau's Essay 'Walking'" / Lynn Holtzman. Reviews: "Donna Marie Prsybojewski's Books about Thoreau for Children: A Review" / Dianne McConville Weiss and Victor Curran; "All That Heaven Allows (1955): Sirk's Thoreauvian Parable of American Home-Making" / Keegan O'Connor.
The Thoreau Society, 2021, TSB 312, Paperback, 20 pp.