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Thoreau Society Bulletin 307 Fall 2019
Thoreau Society Bulletin 307 Fall 2019
Our Price: $8.50

Product Code: 282395497034GA

One of the quarterly newsletters of The Thoreau Society. In this issue: "A New Generation of Thoreaus" / Dana E. Abizaid ; "Thoreau Society Honors Leslie Perrin Wilson" / Joseph C. Wheeler ; "Alfred Hosmer's Notes in Salt's Biography of Thoreau, and an Unpublished Salt Letter" / James Dawson ; "Abstracts: Thoreau Society Panel at the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) Conference, University of California, Davis, June 26-30, 2019: Ecological Erotics." Book reviews: The Correspondence of Henry D. Thoreau. Volume 2: 1849-1856 (Robert N. Hudspeth, editor) / Sandra Harbert Petrulionis ; Emerson, Thoreau et Brownson au Quebec. Elements pour une comparison des milieux intellectuals en Nouvelle-Angleterre et au Bas-Canada (1830-1860) (Yvan Lamonde) / Julien Negre.
The Thoreau Society, 2019, TSB 307, Paperback, 16 pp.

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